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For the photos from the 2019 race click here
buckland bouncer.png

This event is being held with the kind permission of the Garden House and the Parish Council.  This route is approximately 1.5 miles, and is along footpaths up and around the Garden House. It starts and ends outside of the play park in Buckland Monachorum.  It is marshalled and supported by a front and rear runner.  Every runner will receive a medal.  In addition there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd boy and girl.  It is open children aged 6 up to 13 years inclusive, the emphasis on it being a fun run. Registration is open from 12.30pm in Buckland Chapel. The entry form can be downloaded and completed in advance. Please bring form with you to registration plus entry fee of £3 cash, Or to guarantee a place please complete the entry form and send with £3 cash to Jan Moore, 6 Chapel Meadow, Buckland Monachorum, PL20 7LR (email: Please read terms and conditions.

Download the entry form and bring it with you on the day!




The event is open to children aged between 6 and 13 years inclusive. Unfortunately the event is NOT open to foundation class children.

The run is marshalled and is supported by a front and rear runner, and first aiders. However it remains the responsibility of the parent to decide whether the child is capable of running alone. If there is any doubt an adult should run with the child.

Runners must have their adults’ emergency contact mobile number and name on the rear of their run number (to be done by the responsible adult at registration please)

No dogs will be allowed to accompany runners

No headphones to be worn

Runners will follow the route marked out and will not run off track.  The event is being held during the ground bird nesting season

Runners will only cross water via the bridges on the route

Runners agree to abide by the country code 

Runners will attend the safety brief at the start line before the run commences

Runners will inform the registration desk if they fail to start the event and to give their run number

If a runner fails to complete the course they will go to the nearest marshal who will accompany them back to the finish line at the end of the event

It will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian to bring their child to the start line and collect from the finish line

The organisers of the Buckland Bouncer will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, loss or damage arising to person or property as a consequence of participating in this event

Runners will take responsibility to ensure that they are physically fit enough to compete and will run at their own risk

By signing the entry form you have agreed to these terms and conditions



entry form
Bounder Medals2.jpg
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